So blessed, footy

Was thinking about how blessed I am, and I thought of when I was in TDS and lent a friend my Hillsong CD. He liked one of the songs so much, he kept going, So blessed... cos he could only remember those lyrics. haha. But anyway, he kept calling me "So blessed" after that. And another friend caught on and called me "So blessed" too.

Isn't that such a weird nick name? "Aye, so blessed!" haha. At first I thought it was really weird. But I soon got used to it, and started to like it. Both of them were non-Christians. So unknowingly, every time they called me "so blessed", they were speaking words of life to me, blessing me. haha. I got blessed several times a day while that name stuck!


I watched footy yesterday!
At a stadium!
The Australian thing to do.


So blessed, I can't contain it
So much - I've got to give it away
Your love has taught me to live now
You are more than enough for me

(Reuben Morgan, Hillsongs)


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