Tired talking, not worrying


Think I talked too much yesterday.
Possibly a result of being tired,
which was partly a result of talking a lot.

In other words,
I talked a lot yesterday (necessarily),
and I got tired, so I got kind of high,
so I talked even more (unnecessarily).
Uh okay.


It's not that I'm homesick, but,
my Jiejie will be home from USA today.
Which makes me want to go home NOW.
I think when I go home, as much as I love my friends,
I am going to spend my short time in Singapore with my family family FAMILY!


Yesterday at OCF cell group we were talking about what we worry about. And when it came to me, I honestly said, "um nothing". I was quite conscious about saying "nothing" because people usually think - how can you worry about nothing? But okay good that it was affirmed that yes, that's the way it should be, that we should not worry about anything.

Well yes there is the occasional mild stress/worry about stuff like, oh-oh exams are in 11 days and I don't think I can say I've actually started studying, oh no how is this or that going to get done? But yea I don't actually.. really worry, or worry much.

A friend was sharing that you should not worry about
1) Things you can do something about - cos you can do something about it
2) Things you cannot do anything about - cos well, you can't do anything about it
So that basically means you shouldn't worry about anything.

When you trust that
1) God is sovereign (nothing is beyond His control)
2) God loves you (and has perfect plans for your life)
You can not worry.


"How precious to me are Your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand.
When I awake, I am still with You."
- Psalm 139:17-18


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