End of uni sem one
Guess what!
Okay you don't have to guess - I'll tell you. I finished my exams today! That means, I've finished a semester of studies at Monash University \m/ And today, I actually thought - I can't wait for school to start again! While there's the boredom and restlessness from having to study everyday so diligently, I think I can actually say I enjoyed my exams. Honestly, I felt nervous/stressed for a grand total of about three minutes, prior to my first paper. Mad, right? Well I guess it just means I quite like school. Maybe cos I generally like what I'm studying.
Or maybe I'm starting to learn to lean on God's grace. Which is always sufficient - His abundance meets my dependence.
But anyway, I'm glad the holidays are here.

Hi, meet my cactus. I'm not one to name my things, mostly.
So my cactus is just, well, my cactus.
My cactus came from Queen Victoria Market.
And before that it came from somewhere else - I don't know where.
Since I couldn't find a nice, small plate of some sort,
my cactus now lives in a pan - a frying pan. Well, in its pot, in a pan.
My room doesn't get much sun, if any. But cactus' need sun.
So today I put it out in the sun for a while.
Most other times, my cactus lives on my window sill with Angel Cake and the shell.
I hope it doesn't die before I leave Aus - I'm not a very good caretaker.
The end.
What a note to end on. Haha.
The Grand Weaver
Ravi Zacharias
The Trappist monk Thomas Merton once said, “We cannot be at peace with others because we are not at peace with ourselves, and we cannot be at peace with ourselves because we are not at peace with God”.
Okay you don't have to guess - I'll tell you. I finished my exams today! That means, I've finished a semester of studies at Monash University \m/ And today, I actually thought - I can't wait for school to start again! While there's the boredom and restlessness from having to study everyday so diligently, I think I can actually say I enjoyed my exams. Honestly, I felt nervous/stressed for a grand total of about three minutes, prior to my first paper. Mad, right? Well I guess it just means I quite like school. Maybe cos I generally like what I'm studying.
Or maybe I'm starting to learn to lean on God's grace. Which is always sufficient - His abundance meets my dependence.
But anyway, I'm glad the holidays are here.

Hi, meet my cactus. I'm not one to name my things, mostly.
So my cactus is just, well, my cactus.
My cactus came from Queen Victoria Market.
And before that it came from somewhere else - I don't know where.
Since I couldn't find a nice, small plate of some sort,
my cactus now lives in a pan - a frying pan. Well, in its pot, in a pan.
My room doesn't get much sun, if any. But cactus' need sun.
So today I put it out in the sun for a while.
Most other times, my cactus lives on my window sill with Angel Cake and the shell.
I hope it doesn't die before I leave Aus - I'm not a very good caretaker.
The end.
What a note to end on. Haha.
The Grand Weaver
Ravi Zacharias
The Trappist monk Thomas Merton once said, “We cannot be at peace with others because we are not at peace with ourselves, and we cannot be at peace with ourselves because we are not at peace with God”.