Leaving Singapore for Melbourne again
I discovered how to record stuff on my mac, without having to use a plug-in! Thanks to Joy, because of the session we spent singing and recording PL songs, with Eunice! :D Ah I feel so silly, because I've been recording on my super lousy quality phone! However, better quality also means amplification of the imperfections. Heh. Now, to figure how to compress the recording because they currently hold at about 20MB each.
Going to Melbourne this time is painful, unlike when I first left five months ago in February. Maybe because I haven't had enough time to actually properly say hi to everyone and everything here, and I already have to leave. It's kinda queer.
But anyways, I am excited to go back. To see what God has in store for the next semester in Melbourne! I know it's gonna be an awesome sem :)
My Keds, alike Little Red's red Birkenstocks: signature – in that we wear them (almost) all the time. My Keds are killing my feet, because I have worn them out so the cushioning is all gone, and I've been walking, walking, walking.

I've spotted little plates/dishes that would suit my cactus in Melbourne. But I've decided that I like the uniqueness of my cactus-in-a-pot-in-a-pan. Ha.
Oh. I haven't shown you my Chucks. I spent hours drawing on them some months back. It's kinda like nonsense because I didn't know what to draw. And I used a normal silver pen, so 90% of that has faded, which is sad, but ohwells.

Read Little Daylight by George MacDonald today, and here's an interesting part of it. Note: Parts italicised by me.
"In all history we find that fairies give their remarkable gifts to prince or princess, or any child of sufficient importance in their eyes, always at the christening. Now this we can understand, because it is an ancient custom amongst human beings as well; and it is not hard to explain why wicked fairies should choose the same time to do unkind things; but it is difficult to understand how they should be able to do them, for you would fancy all wicked creatures would be powerless on such an occasion.
But I never knew of any interference on the part of a wicked fairy that did not turn out a good thing in the end. What a good thing, for instance, it was that one princess should sleep for a hundred years! Was she not saved from all the plague of young men who were not worthy of her? And did she not come awake exactly at the right moment when the right prince kissed her? For my part, I cannot help wishing a good many girls would sleep till just the same fate overtook them. It would be happier for them, and more agreeable to their friends."
Having some knowledge of fairy tales would be useful in understanding it. Knowing how it relates to today's times would make it thought-provoking. If you see how it may relate to you, that would be further interesting.
A day in advance, happy birthday Fullela.

Fisheye lenses!
Okay. That's all for today's randomness.
Going to Melbourne this time is painful, unlike when I first left five months ago in February. Maybe because I haven't had enough time to actually properly say hi to everyone and everything here, and I already have to leave. It's kinda queer.
But anyways, I am excited to go back. To see what God has in store for the next semester in Melbourne! I know it's gonna be an awesome sem :)
My Keds, alike Little Red's red Birkenstocks: signature – in that we wear them (almost) all the time. My Keds are killing my feet, because I have worn them out so the cushioning is all gone, and I've been walking, walking, walking.

I've spotted little plates/dishes that would suit my cactus in Melbourne. But I've decided that I like the uniqueness of my cactus-in-a-pot-in-a-pan. Ha.
Oh. I haven't shown you my Chucks. I spent hours drawing on them some months back. It's kinda like nonsense because I didn't know what to draw. And I used a normal silver pen, so 90% of that has faded, which is sad, but ohwells.

Read Little Daylight by George MacDonald today, and here's an interesting part of it. Note: Parts italicised by me.
"In all history we find that fairies give their remarkable gifts to prince or princess, or any child of sufficient importance in their eyes, always at the christening. Now this we can understand, because it is an ancient custom amongst human beings as well; and it is not hard to explain why wicked fairies should choose the same time to do unkind things; but it is difficult to understand how they should be able to do them, for you would fancy all wicked creatures would be powerless on such an occasion.
But I never knew of any interference on the part of a wicked fairy that did not turn out a good thing in the end. What a good thing, for instance, it was that one princess should sleep for a hundred years! Was she not saved from all the plague of young men who were not worthy of her? And did she not come awake exactly at the right moment when the right prince kissed her? For my part, I cannot help wishing a good many girls would sleep till just the same fate overtook them. It would be happier for them, and more agreeable to their friends."
Having some knowledge of fairy tales would be useful in understanding it. Knowing how it relates to today's times would make it thought-provoking. If you see how it may relate to you, that would be further interesting.
A day in advance, happy birthday Fullela.

Fisheye lenses!
Okay. That's all for today's randomness.