Siew's wedding + Wei's OCF Open Day

THE PURSUIT is relentless.


My second sister got married last Saturday.

Page boy Shawn, Bride Chin Siew, Flower girl Jasmine.

My happy grandparents and third sister.

Dad walking his daughter down the aisle. When Rev Melvin Huang asked if he would give his daughter to be wedded to Raymond, my Dad said an "I do" which was resounding and confident enough to make the congregation laugh with his joy and at his enthusiasm.

Presenting Mr and Mrs Raymond Koh.


My brother is serving the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) now, where after his Basic Military Training (BMT), he got drafted to the Officer Cadet School (OCS). Too bad this first part of the course only ends 13th July, because I'll be heading back to Melbourne before that. So we were upset because it kind of sucks that the whole short time I'm in Singapore, my brother is in camp. But ohwells. Thank God there was OCS open day for his wing today, so the family went down to say hello and look-see. 

The siblings (in order)!

The extended family - immediate family, plus the additions (sisters' fiance/husband/boyfriend).

My brother handsome in his uniform right! haha. Hi wei. Be good :D Okay you are good la - you're a fine young man of God! < 3 hui


The other day the lyrics came to my mind: Jesus- the expression of God's love. And I thought - then what is the expression of my love for God? How can I express my love for God?

It is in my dependence on Him. In my dependence on Him, I show that I trust Him, and long to please Him.


The grand weaver
Ravi Zacharias (2 seperate quotes)

One day, John asked her (Susanna Wesley) to define sin. I doubt any theologian could have done better than she did: “Son, whatever weakens your reasoning, impairs the tenderness of your conscience, obscures your sense of God, or takes away your relish for spiritual things. In short, if anything increases the authority and power of the flesh over the Spirit, then that to you becomes sin, however good it is in itself.” That definition became the guiding beacon for John. He carved it in his consciousness. His mother inbred in him his sensitivity to sin.

So where does one begin? With self-crucifixtion. In effect, we go to your own funeral and bury the self-will so that God’s will can reign supremely in our hearts. Our will has no power to do God’s will until it first dies to its own desires and the Holy Spirit brings a fresh power within.


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