Train ride - song

Train ride

Sitting on a train
Looking out my window
People and things go by
A thought pops into my mind

Share it, but with whom?
How 'bout You?

Sometimes it seems You'd be more real
If I could message, call or email You
But often I do not realise
That You are closer than I think You are

Just because I do not touch You
It does not mean You are not there
Just because there's no voice I hear
It does not mean You do not speak
You have a million things to tell me
To share - we'll laugh, we'll cry
And sometimes, we'll just be

Sitting on a train
Looking out my window
People and things go by
A thought pops into my mind

Share it, and we grin
People think I'm crazy
Who cares - I'm with You
'Tis our journey


Based on my love for rides. I take rides with Jesus, which is why as much as a friend's company is nice, I like to not take transport with friends sometimes. Many people think doing things alone is so, well, lonely. I beg to differ.

I once heard this quote - "All my time alone, I spend with you". Loved it immediately!


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