Falls Creek Ski Trip

Hello. Earlier this week, I sent an sms back home - Hi Ma and Pa, can I go skiing this weekend? It'll be about $xxx. It won't affect my studies ha ha.

So. I went to Falls Creek over the weekend with three awesome people. Namely, Nori, Sue Ann and Voon.

And we met other people there too.

Some other OCFers.

And school mates.

And Nelsie - we've been in Melbourne in six months and we only meet now, and at such a place too. Hello Tay Nelsie!

So everybody was at Falls Creek. Almost everybody. Okay I'm exaggerating. But yes it was crowded - peak season. Very snowy, especially on the second day. More snow = good skiing conditions.

Yes Miss-Loh-soon-to-be-Mrs-Tay, I wore the beanie you got me from Alaska!

Sue Ann and I picked up skiing. But uh I foolishly did not take lessons. And up the hill we went on the ski lift (fun)! And tried to ski down. I guess I had the most exciting trip in a way, cos I crashed into a pole. Ha. Ha. Ha. Basically I couldn't stop myself and I was gaining momentum as I went down the hill and blah blah and behold - I crashed into a pole. Okay it was a pole stuck into the snow and not fixed there, so it wasn't that bad. Apparently the big boss of the place (the guy who owns Falls Creek and some other mountain) was there and he asked one of his patrol guys to get us to walk us all the way down the mountain. Or rather, he skied while we trudged along in the ski boots, carrying our skis and poles. He must have been very bored because obviously skiing is about 100 times faster than walking, especially when in snow that is thick at some areas so your feet just sink in.

We stayed at the very cosy Mountain Creek Motel.

Visited the Annapura Estate which is a winery with a restaurant.

Too bad/good I don't like alcohol, so I didn't try the wine (which came with cheese). Which is also why all the pictures on Facebook are of them, because I was going snappy-happy.

Drove back up to ski/snowboard on the second day. But I decided I didn't want to. (Maybe next year! I'll sign up for a lesson then.) So I lived in Voon's car for two hours, reading mostly, before Andrew came knocking on the car window, and I joined the rest who decided not to ski/snowboard that day.

Just told Aunty Lucia about my trip and after concluding, it went something like:
Uh, it's okay. Not serious.
Come, I give you chinese medicine! (Walks to get it)
It's okay. A bit pain only. No bruises.
Are you sure? Come I give you chinese medicine to rub. (Reaching out for chinese medicine)
It's okay, no need la.
You sure? You don't want chinese medicine, I give you western one!
Huh... uh... really no need.
(Goes off to take medicine)
Oh. Uh okay. Thank you.

Haha. But anyway ya la, really thank God didn't get injured! Cos the crash was quite scary cos I was going quite fast and didn't know how to stop. Still beating myself up every time I wonder why I foolishly did not take lessons first. Especially when the voice in my head said to do so. But anyway. Especially after seeing people around with crutches, arms in casts, and one man lying on a stretcher with his neck in a cast O_o So well, thank God I got away with just some minor bruises (which can't even be seen. But that made Aunty Lucia go - INTERNAL INJURY!)

Okay sorry if I make it all sound boring - not in a very excited mood now so can't type excitedly ha ha. Must account this for family to read :D (hi!) I did enjoy myself and I'm glad I went!


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