Mike Guglielmucci

You know what? I think Mike Guglielmucci (no I can't spell his surname - I had to google it) can sing Healer for himself with much meaning now. Not that he didn’t before - I wouldn’t know. I guess is must have been a crazy struggle for him to know God’s Word so well (if not he wouldn’t have been able to come up with such songs. Plus, he was brought up in a good Christian home), yet live a double life for so long.

My assumption is that living with such conflict in his conscience, he must have felt very tormented and trapped. Perhaps it was because he could no longer live with such deceit, that he chose to reveal his secrets. Honestly, one of my first thoughts was that it was very brave of him. After all, he’s a well-known guy whom many look up to, and admittance (to the world – it made the news) was an act of humility that would change a lot of things.

Well, I guess that while there’s all the talk, shame and guilt that some people are heaping even more on him, at least for himself, there is freedom in that the truth is out and he no longer has to try to live a life of trying to cover up lies, but can, by the forgiveness and grace of God, attempt to live a life of one heart and one mind.

This reminds me of something I blogged about a year ago –

Sometimes I look at a person and see many faults,
and I wonder how God can still use them, especially if greatly.
And I am reminded that I, too, have my imperfections
but God still chooses to use me.
His grace is enough,
and His power is made perfect in my weaknesses.


Sorry if I don’t post up any visuals for awhile (plue I’ve been posting such serious stuff)! My mac is down, and that makes me lazy.

Anyway. The highlight of my day today was when I spoke to a stranger! Haha. I was crossing the road (at the bus loop at school) and you have to walk very fast because the green man doesn’t stay there for long – the red one comes on pretty fast! So I was hurriedly walking alongside this quite-old lady and I said something about the traffic light being so fast and she nicely agreed. And after that, I smiled my widest, most natural grin of the day :D

Maybe the highlight of my day should be that I handed in an essay today. After all, the past few days have seen me soaking in what the spirit of capitalism is all about (the essay topic). But I guess meeting a genuinely friendly stranger might actually be rarer than handing in essays.

Of which I have another due tomorrow (and I am blogging). Bye!


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