2500 word essay due tomorrow...

2500 word essay due tomorrow...

2043 words already! Gasp!
C'mon, you can, you can!
Just a bit more!

Even though I know after I hit 2500 words,
about some 500 of it will be repetition (because I am so incoherent now)
and then I'll have to continue writing even more.
But yes c'mon c'mon!

I am quite tired of writing essays.
But once this is over (in a few hours), I can stop for a week!
And uh, use that week to catch up on all my readings.

Actually, I learn a lot from writing essays la.
But whether I remember what I read and write about or not...


I like borrowing used library books -
they save me reading time,
because it means I can scan through them faster
because a lot of the important points have been highlighted already.

I was taught recently that I should do the same -
the principle of doing unto others what you would have them do to you,
I suppose.

So I added some colour to a plain black and white book not too long ago.
Of which I should probably not be admitting here ha ha ha.


I spent half an hour drawing just now.
It's amazing -
I can have an essay due really soon,
and be half-panicking,
and still be doing "nonsense".
But perhaps doing "nonsense" helps me relax a bit.


I hope Grain Express (asian stall in school) has honey chicken tomorrow.
I usually have rice + tofu + honey chicken for lunch on Friday.
If not honey chicken, then lemon chicken I guess.
Which is like, 70% flour, 30% chicken.
Maybe even 75% flour, 25% chicken.
Or 70% flour, 20% chicken, 10% lemon.
They should call it lemon flour.



Sometimes I look back at essays I've written and think, wow how did I write that?
(Not that I'm saying my essays are good. But they are not what I'd write on a usual day.)

I guess necessity makes us churn out what's...necessary.

Okay I think my mind is going a bit (insert twirly-whirly lines
[due to inability to find appropriate word]).



And have a nice day.

And remember to be amazing today,
because an amazing God made you to be amazing.


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