Understanding, essay, good urbanlife, drawings
I love when I am able to understand things (okay who doesn't).
However, for me, reading about social theory is like reading chinese. I understand the sentence I'm reading, but once I move on to the next sentence, I forget what the previous sentence was about. I guess that's because I don't actually really comprehend what I'm reading about.
Actually, my chinese has deteriorated to the extent of... maybe I can't even read a full sentence in a chinese newspaper now. I suppose I forgot my chinese so easily because I used to "shi bei" - memorise for the sake of memorising, without understanding.
Urbanlife today was good. I like that there was sharing today and we got to know each other a bit better through that. By the way, urbanlife = planetshakers cell groups.
My sister's laptop (which I am currently using) has many soundtracks! Good for studying (:
I will be a good girl and write a good essay about how Raymond Williams critiques the technological determinist model which assumes that there is a direct causal relationship between technological development and social change, and explain how it can be applied to two communication technologies.
Haha. That's the gist of my essay question.
Considering that I went to design school, my drawings most probably are quite "you zhi" - "kindergarten". Then again, I went to design school and not art school. And anyway, who cares - I draw what I like :D

I put that in the scanner, straight, but it turned out diagonal? Which is kind of weird. But I guess you could also call it artistic. You could also call it lazy (too lazy to scan it again or figure out why it turned out this way). What is art, anyway? That was a rhetorical question - I don't actually care :D

I drew this a few months ago, and it's not original. As in, it's based on something else I saw. It's actually incomplete, but I can't be bothered to finish it. Or well, I don't know what else to add. Okay my post is seeming to suggest a very lazy me! But ohwell I guess I am quite lazy. And I need to be disciplined! Okay bye!
However, for me, reading about social theory is like reading chinese. I understand the sentence I'm reading, but once I move on to the next sentence, I forget what the previous sentence was about. I guess that's because I don't actually really comprehend what I'm reading about.
Actually, my chinese has deteriorated to the extent of... maybe I can't even read a full sentence in a chinese newspaper now. I suppose I forgot my chinese so easily because I used to "shi bei" - memorise for the sake of memorising, without understanding.
Urbanlife today was good. I like that there was sharing today and we got to know each other a bit better through that. By the way, urbanlife = planetshakers cell groups.
My sister's laptop (which I am currently using) has many soundtracks! Good for studying (:
I will be a good girl and write a good essay about how Raymond Williams critiques the technological determinist model which assumes that there is a direct causal relationship between technological development and social change, and explain how it can be applied to two communication technologies.
Haha. That's the gist of my essay question.
Considering that I went to design school, my drawings most probably are quite "you zhi" - "kindergarten". Then again, I went to design school and not art school. And anyway, who cares - I draw what I like :D

I put that in the scanner, straight, but it turned out diagonal? Which is kind of weird. But I guess you could also call it artistic. You could also call it lazy (too lazy to scan it again or figure out why it turned out this way). What is art, anyway? That was a rhetorical question - I don't actually care :D

I drew this a few months ago, and it's not original. As in, it's based on something else I saw. It's actually incomplete, but I can't be bothered to finish it. Or well, I don't know what else to add. Okay my post is seeming to suggest a very lazy me! But ohwell I guess I am quite lazy. And I need to be disciplined! Okay bye!