I choose You; lessons from Pokemon

Perhaps seeing the above image made you look twice and wonder if you got the wrong blog. After all, Jinghui + Pokemon? How odd. But anyway.
Was sitting in the library doing my work, and paused to take a break, and began to think of motivational words I could put on my desktop. After all, exams are coming - seemingly insufficient time for the amount that has to be studied. Well. As random as this sounds, the words "I choose You" came into my mind. And it made me think of Pokemon. Haha. Yea, Pokemon. It's quite queer a thing to infer, but well, there's something to learn from everything (:
As far as I can remember from the cartoons I used to watch (10.30 am on Kids Central after Powerpuff Girls. There was the Gameboy game too which was just meeting people in the game and choosing a pokemon and choosing different techniques to fight off different pokemons, so that was kind of boring; or maybe I didn't fully understand the game but okay back to the point), when Ash went into battle, he always chose Pikachu - his best bet, because Pikachu was the best he had. With furrowed brows and his hand with the Pokeball in the air, a determined Ash would release Pikachu to fight for him, firmly declaring "Pikachu, I choose you!"
In the same way, I also want to "release" God to work in my life, to fight the battles, to bring me through things, to be my friend, to give me peace and joy, and do loads of other stuff. He's my best bet; okay well He's not a bet - He's a definite best. I want to be resolute (purposeful, determined, unwavering) about choosing Him for everything in my life. I want Him in my life. It's an everyday, every battle, every moment decision - I choose You. I decide to choose You.
More than Ash's best fighter, Pikachu was also sort of like Ash's best friend. They went everywhere and experienced adventures together.
Hey God, whatever it is, I choose You.