Mac; Rice cooker; comics; supernaturally done exams
After my 15" Powerbook G4 died,

I've been using my sister's 13" iBook G4.

While I am grateful for it, I miss my old mac!
My nice ol' silver 15" mac.

I took out my dead Powerbook recently.
Because I'm used to the 13" screen, the 15" screen looked really large.

But anyway.

So, which one?

Though the screen is glossy (I prefer matte).
And the keys are spaced further apart (I prefer the old one - closer).
And I still think it's looking more like a PC than ever (why can't it be all silver).

[Shut up and don't complain hui]
My main concern is the difference in screen size.
Though only 2 inches, it's a big difference!
Some advise to buy the 13" one and get a desktop screen (22" I think).
But I don't really want to do that. Hm.
Today while waiting for our usual Saturday lunch out, Shierly and I kicked some ball!
The front area is big enough to play badminton in. We did so about three weeks ago.

And that's Uncle Ollie driving out.

Meaning Aunty Lucia and Uncle Ollie treated Shierly and myself.
I used to have a Sunbeam rice cooker.
Also known as a Sunbeam Rice Perfect 5.
"5" for the five cups of rice it can cook.
(Okay whatever -_-)

But it died. Again. Since it has a one year warranty, we went to get it changed, and we got a Kambrook one instead. I don't really like to cook rice because I cook for myself, and I don't eat much rice. But the minimum is having to cook one cup of rice. So sometimes I end up throwing some away. I should probably learn to fry rice so I won't waste the rice.

As I type this, Uncle Ollie is adjusting the Satellite receptor thingamajig (me no technie) on the roof so that channel whichever will not be fuzzy on the TV. Shierly and Aunty Lucia are inside looking at the screen - "Uncle, still not good! Just now was just now was okay. Okay okay okay! Nono worse.... slightly better... OKAYYYYOKAYYYYYA hahaha okay okay". Maybe I should go join the excitement. Or rather, go KAYPO.
(some time later)
I went to kaypo! Quite fun la. "Channel 7 good.... now channel 7 good, channel 10 bad... nonono...WAIT! ... channel 2 good, channel 7 good, channel 9 good, CHANNEL 10 BAD! hahahaha ... okay okay can pass, can pass!" And I went up the ladder to see what's in between the ceiling and roof! Whee~ Heh. (Have yet to climb the Wesley steeple). There's Spiderman 2 and Fantastic Four tonight. Obviously I am not going to get much work done today.

I don't really like that Mary Jane's (or rather, Kirsten Dunst's) eyes are so sleepy so much of the time. Spiderman is probably the only comic I've read, besides uh, Archie comics. Haha.

Oh wait - I read some of Lao Fu Zi as well :D

And Calvin and Hobbes because my sister bought the comic book.

And then there's all the stuff you find in Singapore Lifestyle newspaper, Life!,
such as Garfield, Baby Blues and Singapore's own Chew on it!

All the randomness. Don't worry family - my next exam paper is in ten days. And so far so good! I believe my Thursday paper was so supernaturally done! I'm not saying I'm going to score super duper well on it, but I'll do pretty okay! I slept an hour the night before to finish studying and some things were memorised only on Thursday morning itself, but I remembered most of it! Really really really - it was magic! It was magic!
Okay - it was God. So thank You God. Like, again!
I actually went to take/look for pictures to supplement this post. Man.
Sorry some pictures are so grainy and ugly :D
Okay I'll go do something more constructive now. You should, too. Haha :P Bye!

I've been using my sister's 13" iBook G4.

While I am grateful for it, I miss my old mac!
My nice ol' silver 15" mac.

I took out my dead Powerbook recently.
Because I'm used to the 13" screen, the 15" screen looked really large.

But anyway.

So, which one?

Though the screen is glossy (I prefer matte).
And the keys are spaced further apart (I prefer the old one - closer).
And I still think it's looking more like a PC than ever (why can't it be all silver).

[Shut up and don't complain hui]
My main concern is the difference in screen size.
Though only 2 inches, it's a big difference!
Some advise to buy the 13" one and get a desktop screen (22" I think).
But I don't really want to do that. Hm.
Today while waiting for our usual Saturday lunch out, Shierly and I kicked some ball!
The front area is big enough to play badminton in. We did so about three weeks ago.

And that's Uncle Ollie driving out.

Meaning Aunty Lucia and Uncle Ollie treated Shierly and myself.
I used to have a Sunbeam rice cooker.
Also known as a Sunbeam Rice Perfect 5.
"5" for the five cups of rice it can cook.
(Okay whatever -_-)

But it died. Again. Since it has a one year warranty, we went to get it changed, and we got a Kambrook one instead. I don't really like to cook rice because I cook for myself, and I don't eat much rice. But the minimum is having to cook one cup of rice. So sometimes I end up throwing some away. I should probably learn to fry rice so I won't waste the rice.

As I type this, Uncle Ollie is adjusting the Satellite receptor thingamajig (me no technie) on the roof so that channel whichever will not be fuzzy on the TV. Shierly and Aunty Lucia are inside looking at the screen - "Uncle, still not good! Just now was just now was okay. Okay okay okay! Nono worse.... slightly better... OKAYYYYOKAYYYYYA hahaha okay okay". Maybe I should go join the excitement. Or rather, go KAYPO.
(some time later)
I went to kaypo! Quite fun la. "Channel 7 good.... now channel 7 good, channel 10 bad... nonono...WAIT! ... channel 2 good, channel 7 good, channel 9 good, CHANNEL 10 BAD! hahahaha ... okay okay can pass, can pass!" And I went up the ladder to see what's in between the ceiling and roof! Whee~ Heh. (Have yet to climb the Wesley steeple). There's Spiderman 2 and Fantastic Four tonight. Obviously I am not going to get much work done today.

I don't really like that Mary Jane's (or rather, Kirsten Dunst's) eyes are so sleepy so much of the time. Spiderman is probably the only comic I've read, besides uh, Archie comics. Haha.

Oh wait - I read some of Lao Fu Zi as well :D

And Calvin and Hobbes because my sister bought the comic book.

And then there's all the stuff you find in Singapore Lifestyle newspaper, Life!,
such as Garfield, Baby Blues and Singapore's own Chew on it!

All the randomness. Don't worry family - my next exam paper is in ten days. And so far so good! I believe my Thursday paper was so supernaturally done! I'm not saying I'm going to score super duper well on it, but I'll do pretty okay! I slept an hour the night before to finish studying and some things were memorised only on Thursday morning itself, but I remembered most of it! Really really really - it was magic! It was magic!
Okay - it was God. So thank You God. Like, again!
I actually went to take/look for pictures to supplement this post. Man.
Sorry some pictures are so grainy and ugly :D
Okay I'll go do something more constructive now. You should, too. Haha :P Bye!