Random thoughts

Some thoughts, random and not so random... -- Some things, we choose to do on our own. And sometimes, it is possible to do on our own. But wouldn't it be much easier if we choose instead to hand it over to God and let Him do that work? It'd be easier and complete. Let's not cling on to those things anymore, but give God what is His, considering all things loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Him (Philippians 3:8). Let God do it His way - somehow, God-how (: -- On some Christmas', I go back to trying to decide if I should delude my future kids about the reality (or non-reality) of Santa Claus. But in a way, by deluding them, I'm giving them a "childhood". What I mean is, you know how when for example we recall something of our childhood, and someone else in the group hasn't experienced that and we say, "you got no childhood ah". I've got quite a few more Christmas' to think about it :D Assuming I have kids la. -- Say...