Feeling better (:

i'm feeling better today (:

not as "dry".
maybe a result of listening to Him?

God works in funny ways.
we mustn't ever think we know better than Him.
cos most certainly, we don't.

i need You, God.
thank You for being good, always.

okay i feel a "welling up" again (yay!).
it's a good feeling - not something i can explain exactly.
excitement. anticipation. expecting.
that God, You have done great things.
and You will do even greater things.

indeed, the glory of the present house will be greater than the former (Haggai 2:9)

God, i am expecting.
and please. let me be part of it (:
grant me humility, wisdom and grace.

thank You that because your love for me (especially shown through Jesus), I can live free.
i will live free.


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