Being freely yourself + Neat handwriting

It is quite wonderful to see people really as themselves, when they have emerged from their shells and are just comfortable being. Then you find out who they really are, and what they really are like! Everyone is then so much more free ; myself included!


Quite often, I hear my handwriting is neat. I write pretty neatly about half the time. It's been a conversation starter a few times before. No, I didn't get A's for my penmanship in primary school. I usually tell people - it's the pen! Which is partly true. Different pens = different handwriting because the smoothness is different. I use uniball signo 0.38 mostly.

Sometimes when I flip back through the pages, I think - man. Scary. How do I write this neatly?! I guess I write a lot. So practice makes you better?


Just realised something I learnt today kind of relates to the first paragraph above.
Basically, we have:

nothing to prove because we are secure in Him,
nothing to lose because we have surrendered all to Him,
nothing to hide because we have intimacy with Him.

Jesus can be my everything. I want Him to be my everything. Am working on that, but only with His strength! Because it is by His strength, that I can do all things (Philippians 4:13).



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