Hui's Secret Short Singapore Soiree

Heehee. Thanks Joao! Wesleyans is rocks my socks.

Bye Melbourne! I'll be back in a week!
I'm going home for another wedding - mei's, this time round.
A week really is too short! But it's okay. Will make the best out of it :)
Man I've never been this excited to go home. Don't know why!


What holds me back? ME! Me holds me back. haha.

It's like that quote which goes, "No one can make you inferior without your permission". In the same way, only you can hold yourself back. Jesus, remind me that it's not about me - my fears, failures, inabilities or anything "me", but that it is about You. That when You say go, I don't have to know where or what exactly. Even if I don't see the path or even ground ahead, I just have to put my foot out, and somehow, there will be good solid ground for that step taken in faith, to land on, and find that You always deliver :)

"Do what is right and do not give way to fear." –1 Peter 3:6

Aiyah, just do it la. Scared what scared. Also won't die :P


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