Royal Rangers

I chanced upon some photos via the facebook feed and I am feeling all excited now! MY KIDS ARE SO GONNA BE A PART OF ROYAL RANGERS NEXT TIME MANZZZ! Looking at the pictures, I thought - I used to be one of those kids!

People used to ask - huh? What? Power Rangers?
No! It's ROYAL Rangers!

Thanks to Royal Rangers, I had camping experience. Fun days man! Thanks to RR, I am not a gu-niang girl! I ate snake meat before - after seeing it being skinned (big snake okay)! I can pitch a tent and I don't mind getting dirty. Of course there was the God part - they taught us Godly principles. Ahhhh! Good old days! I'm so glad I had the opportunity to be part of RR! Wish I didn't have to leave that early. I left because I had lousy grades so my dad said I had to stay home and study - fair enough.

So exciting!

It's okay if you don't share my excitement or if I am not very clear in my writing - I'm just HAPPIE! :D


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