"What He Must Be...If He Wants To Marry My Daughter"

Something interesting from boundless by Candice Watters who reviews the book What He Must Be...If He Wants To Marry My Daughter. Go read the article if you're interested. Boundless has a lot of good stuff. An excerpt:
...a young man must be ready to represent his family before God (as a priest), represent God before his family (as a prophet), meet the needs of those in his household (as a provider), and place himself between his family and all who would do them harm (as a protector).


I guess for now, the most important thing when it comes to the area of relationships/marriage is - work on yourself. Don't worry so much about who the right person is and when the right time will be. Just focus on being who God wants you to be and doing what He wants you to do now. Then in the future, you'll better be able to serve each other in a healthier relationship.

And things always work out fine somehow because God's got perfect everything :)


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