Smiling during worship for no specific reason + back in SG

The kingdom of the heavens is now advancing
Invade my heart, invade this broken town
The kingdom of the heavens is buried treasure
Would you sell yourself to buy the one you've found

(Jon Foreman, Your love is strong)


Eric is here in Melb! We visited Planetshakers church today. Have fun here Ericccs! Pick nice big red strawberries at Mornington, hopefully the Penguins don't stink, and find the big big worms.

I was home (SG) for a week because Mei got married. One week is far too short. Must admit it's a bit tiring and draining in a way; spending so much time out, wanting to meet many people but only being able to meet a few. Spent most time with family. Didn't think I'd be sad to leave at all because all this coming and going is so normal, but I started to tear (okay fine cry) when I went into the gates at the airport!

Hi pocky, we are looking cool in sunglasses. Doubt I'd wear such funky ones ever again.
I lub chew alls. See you in 200 days.

In a way it's funny (what's a word for a non-haha kind of funny, but not weird?) as the family grows and we each enter different life stages. Like how just a while ago we were all so young and all five of us squeezed in the back seat of the car when the whole family went out (actually we just did that last Friday, but in a bigger car, with my brother in the front seat). And now three are married and it's Wei and I left. Even then, Wei is in the army and I am here in Melbourne.

I believe God has great plans for my family, you know? That my Dad will one day come to know Christ personally, and that each of us really will make an impact for Christ, as individuals, and as a family. He who has begun a good work will carry it on till completion. I thank God for the very good foundation my mother has laid, with all the faith and hope she has had - wavering sometimes but always there, and the incredible prayer warrior she is. Thank You Jesus :)


Something funny happened yesterday.

While singing None But Jesus during service at Citylife church, I found the corners of my lips turning upwards. For no specific reason, I was smiling. And I'm the kind who usually has a very serious face while in song-worship. So it was quite unusual and out of the blue. I tried to stop but it didn't work.

And I figured, why try to stop - if it was natural then just be! So I just grinned throughout the whole song (and sang a bit while grinning), and that was REALLY fun! And I was thinking, this is joy. There was no specific reason to smile at that time; it was just a joy God gave me at that moment.

Also, I realised that I haven't been basking in Him for quite some time. So that was just really refreshing. Sometimes it is in these little things that I see God's love for me; He just wants to make me happy :)

Teach me how to make You happy :)


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