Love Beyond Reason by John Ortberg

Standing tall in this wide space
Getting lost in Your embrace
I see a fire burning brighter
It's calling me to catch the flame

(I Feel Like I'm Falling, Hillsong)


It's time to quote from another book - do another series thingie.
This season, we have more of John Ortberg :)

Love Beyond Reason
John Ortberg

We are all of us rag dolls. Flawed and wounded, broken and bent… But we are God’s rag dolls. He knows all about our raggedness, and he loves us anyhow. Our raggedness is no longer the most important thing about us…

But we were not created ragged…

There is a wonder about you. Raggedness is not your identity. Raggedness is not your destiny, nor is it mine. We may be unlovely, yet we are not unloved.

And we cannot be loved without being changed. When people experience love (and here I don’t mean simply having warm feelings towards others, I mean love that is sometimes stern and challenging and may even be painful), they begin to grow lovely.


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