Called home + God heals toothache

I called home, talked to my mom and dad. 11 minutes 56 seconds
My mom told me to wish my dad happy father's day.
She passed the phone to him and we talked about other things.
She said - did you wish him happy father's day?
- No, when is father's day? (oops)
She passes the phone back to him and he says - no need to wish la, everyday happy happy.
I laugh.
Mom gets back on the phone, laughs.
We pray.
I love my family.
I miss my family (okay not badly - am not homesick)
It would be nice to go home (again).
But it's okay. I am living now, here, where I am to be, in today as it is and as I make it.
I like it when I go back to singapore and I'm relatively free so I can just go meet up with my siblings whenever wherever. What luxury! I think it's a privilege to be able to go home. It's quite funny in a way; my mom is a hairstylist - sometimes, I count prices of these big things (like a plane ticket) by the number of heads of hair she has to "go through". Tough work - so much work blown in a single air ticket - mann am I spoilt of what!
I am grateful.
That's my brother in the picture. He is my "boyfriend" when I go home because we try to spend quite some time together (haha hi pocky). My family treats me especially nice when I go home because, well, I'm home only for a short while so I am treated extra special. Okay actually, that is not true. I am always treated nice. In fact, very nice. Like how because I don't eat prawns, we order oatmeal prawns when we are dinnering so that they can eat the prawns and at least I will have oatmeal to eat - which I like, by the way. It is very oily and I mix it in with my rice and it is yums. Today at cell dinner someone said I look like a girl who can eat. Okay, I digressed.
I think that now we are older, we appreciate each other better and perhaps having more "separate" lives, understand the importance of each other, more. I know I am very loved. I like being retarded with my siblings. I enjoy that I can talk complete nonsense with them and they will know exactly what I mean. Even when I say "awesome", but really mean "that sucks" - but they also know when I actually do mean that it is awesome. Hi EeSiewMeiWei we should never be too "old" to make some noise in the car - good thing we have a bigger one now so we can still fit.
These are ramblings; good ones. Because I am just telling you how much I love my family.
Pa says to have fun during the holidays. The two weeks - go wherever and play, ask your friends to drive carefully. Spend some money and have fun, it's okay. I think he forgot that I said I'd pay for Sydney myself.
Who am I that You are mindful of me, that You hear me when I call
Is it true that You are thinking of me - how You love me, it's amazing
Oh yes - testimony!
A terrible toothache plagued me for about 4 days (how dramatic sounding - just didn't want to start another sentence with "I" - eg, "I had a terrible..."). It was bad enough to wake me up almost every hour so I could not get proper sleep. Couldn't eat properly either. I wondered how the martyrs I read about in dc Talk's book endured pain of lashings, being made to live in poop environments and being burnt on the stake, when this toothache was making me so miserable already.
Plus, it was the weekend so the dentists' was closed. And Monday was the queen's birthday so it was still closed. And I refused to go to the dentist anyway because dentists in Australia are dodgy and expensive.
Panadol wasn't good enough for pain relief, so the stronger Nurofen came to the rescue - wow I almost forgot I had a toothache! Though there was still a weird feeling around my cheek, the pain was pretty much gone. And I told God - God, I am going wow at nurofen for it's ability to relieve my pain; c'mon man - I am waiting to say wow wow wow at You for healing me!
And true enough, two days later, healing came!
So now I know God by one more name - my healer (:
Goodnight everyone. I was supposed to sleep an hour ago. Blogging is distracting. I always type more than I first intended to. Thank God for the ability to write because it helps a bit with essay writing. It is also a way of expression, as drawing is; promise to post visuals soon, when I take time out to scan them.
Tomorrow will see the house of 6 Browns Road go for lunch and grocery shopping together. I hope you have a good weekend too.
Love, haluo