Hi meimei + John Ortberg Love

Haluo meimei jiejie (:
Thank you for the dress :P
Do you go swimming sometimes at your new home?


Love Beyond Reason
John Ortberg

Ralph Ellison wrote of the pain of life as an African American in white society: “I am an invisible man… I am a man of substance, of flesh and bone, fiber and liquids – and I might even be said to possess a mind. I am invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me.

Love me, love my rag dolls (me: meaning each of us - we are all his "rag dolls" - ragged, but His, and loved), Jesus says. Loving in God’s love requires new eyes. We must learn to continually see God’s grace at work all around us.”

...When I was growing up I often thought the more “spiritual” a person was, the more unapproachable they were, that holiness involved a certain rigidity and sternness and distance. But in Jesus we see that true spirituality always makes a person more approachable, not less. That’s why it is worth reflecting on this: Jesus is the most approachable human being that ever lived.... Jesus had the kind of profound “differentness” that drew sinners to him.

Am I becoming more or less approachable? How available am I to the people in my little world?”


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