Let God use me

Soon and very soon, my king is coming
Robed in righteousness and crowned in love
When I see Him I shall be made like Him
Soon and very soon


So many times we cry out - use me, Lord!
But also so many times, God says - LET ME use You.

To let Him use me in His choosing, not my own.
To go His paths, which though narrow, are straight and lead somewhere better.

To allow myself to fall, because I have insufficient strength to stand well on my own.
To trust that as He has been here, He will also be there at the next step.

After all, God requires just willingness, right?

He will take my five loaves and two fishes, to somehow feed the multitudes.
Head knowledge of His goodness becomes heart knowing as miracles are seen upon the next step.

Before I see and know, I must trust You.


I will be with the One I love
With unveiled face I see Him
There my soul shall be satisfied
Soon and very soon

Brooke Fraser


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