Organic store + Trampoline + Love beyond reason

It was very foggy one day! This was while walking to school. Looking far (ignore the cars and look up, beyond) it felt like I was in some jungle and there was super morning mist. Plus the sun/moon pale was behind the fog.

Btw it's cold. Definitely winter now.
Haluo jingyi jiejie I wore your nice red jacket today.
Tell Mark thank you hahaha :P


Last Saturday, finally joined the house (Aunty Lucia, Uncle Ollie and Shierly) for lunch and grocery because I didn't have anything on - there's usually OCF stuff. We went to this organic produce place at Bentleigh.

Was standing just somewhere in the shop and this lady, i mean, woman, pushing a cart said excuse me from behind rather rudely so I moved over, and she looked back as she pushed her cart and snobbishly said what are you doing here. Whee. Yes what business had a girl in a hoodie in an organic store?

Made me wonder if she was racist or if it was my hoodie, because in youth media class there was some mention about youths in hoodies and its relation to moral panics. Hrms.

Anyway of course you would find vegetables and fruits in an organic store. What is so interesting about posting pictures of such? They don't look much different from non-organic ones. But anyways.

Was quite interesting to find out what other things can be considered "organic"!
Chips, toothpaste, chocolate, baby food.


Love Beyond Reason
John Ortberg

Love pays attention.


A trip to Winter Camp's site this year - same at last year yay!
Eugene and Ru O having some trampoline fun. Click the photo to see a bigger one!


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