Lessons from the wind

Wind wind, why are you rushing so?
Are you late for something? Where do you want to go?

Yes the days have had visitations from fierce wind.
The tree leaves rustling against each other sound like waves.

Today everyone in school was advised to leave for home by 4pm;
apparently the big sweep (whoohoo lottery! ha ha. k sorry) will be from about 5-7pm.
I meet a friend on the way home and we chat before splitting ways.

I keep my jacket hood on so my hair does not get in my face and I stay warmer.
The wind catches it, blowing it off.
Before I can properly put it back on, the wind catches it and pulls it off again.
Oh bother; just keep it off – it's fun!
The wind can whip and howl and blow wherever it pleases.
I am still on my feet.

Sometimes it blows my way, pushing my next two or three steps faster;
other times it blows against me – I steadily plow through.
The cold does not get me anymore – I am used to it, and am in fact enjoying it.

I'm smiling.

I start to sing –

Thank You Jesus for Your love to me
Thank You Jesus for Your grace so free
I lift my voice to praise Your name
Praise You again and again
You are everything, You are my Lord.

Lord You are more precious than silver
Lord You are more costly than gold
Lord You are more beautiful than diamonds
And nothing I desire compares with You

And I am home.

What drama from the wind.
But what lessons too (:


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