The more we bring the more we get

I came across to quote some time ago – "We should not be concerned with how much of the Holy Spirit we have but how much of us the Holy Spirit has", and was reminded of how in 1 Kings 17, Elijah asked the poor woman to bring all the jars she could find. As many jars as she brought was as many jars that were filled. Indeed, the more we bring, the more we shall be filled. How much do I want from Jesus? That depends on how much I bring Him. The most I can give, is all of what I am. God does not ask for more than that. -- Can't imagine life without You, without You And it's all for You, and it's all for You -Hillsong Sitting behind some boys while observing a workshop at RJC Above postcard image from Post Secret -- Chant: I will use my dslr. I will use my dslr. I will use my dslr. Or rather, I will use my brother-in-law's DSLR, since it's with me. Must make use of it! Anyways. I'm going on a mission trip with 15 others this Tuesday for a week to do ...