Not comparing ourselves

Hello G! This is for you!

Hi everyone else - I got bored of my wallpapers so I had to make a new one. Considering that it's exam time, I most probably spent far too much time on it. But um. Whatever (or shingz), cos I had fun! Actually, I prefer cleaner, plainer wallpapers in general. So I made not just this, but a few.


Have you ever felt you were "jack of all trades, master of none"? Or worse still - neither jack nor master? Well I'd just like to share today that I've felt that way before. And sometimes the feeling is pretty yucky because you don't feel special at all.

But you know what? (:

I've learnt (and am still learning) that at the end of the day, it is not about our gifts or talents, but about our surrender to God. And hey when we give God these things like how the little boy gave his five loaves and two fishes, and come in the name of the Lord Jesus with our equipment like how David did with simple sling and stone, and knowledge and faith in God, then look at what can happen - the multiplication and feeding of many, and the enemy being defeated.

So we must stand, and stand firm! Not in the assurance of our capabilities, but in the confidence that He can take anything and use it for His glory. It is not about comparing myself to others; what use would the body be if all parts were the same, and what would be the use if we all thought ourselves self-sufficient and not needing reliance on God? Instead, it is about knowing Him, and knowing who I am in Him, allowing Him to make a difference in me, and make me a difference.

Indeed, my weaknesses are opportunities for His power to be displayed. They are also a reminder of how small and frail I am; but oh what honour and greatness it is - that He would choose me and love me.

The power of His love means hope for me - to be better, to be like Him. What mercy (:


Here's sharing a journal entry written earlier (click on image to enlarge), on a sort of same note. It was written after I heard some unpleasant stuff and had to remember that my approval comes from God and that I live to please Him and not any else.

Things like that don't get you down - not for long at least. They make you stronger (:

It is kinda personal so I was hesitant to share but our experiences are for people to learn from, as much as we learn from others' experiences, right? I know the words look really idealistic, but it is that way, isn't it? It is because others have hope in us, speaking faith of what they see we can be, that inspires us to aim for that. And we should aim high; God wants nothing but the best for us (also because that's the best for Him)!

Each of us are far from being perfect, but like you, I am being made more and more like Him each day. May He find us soft clay to work with!

God bless you (:

And as usual, feel free to share your thoughts! (:


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