Surfing soon + exam blah

Okay no we will not be looking this cool and pro. But yes we shall be going surfing soon!
Yay! As long as I get to this point (again),
Okay no we will not be looking this cool and pro. But yes we shall be going surfing soon!
Yay! As long as I get to this point (again),

ie, being able to stand, even for just ten seconds, I will be happies oreadies.
Actually, I find it quite fun to even just bump against the waves or lie on the board and chillll.
Meanwhile, need some God-magic. HELP!!! Exam on Friday and next Wednesday and then I'll be \m/
C'mon, I CAN DO THIS!!! Go, God, Go (GGG man)! (Yea I cheer God to help me)
I have other updates to blog about, like howihadalotoffunonmybirthdayyesterday,
but another time okay? I am supposed to be studying now. kbye!