Summer 09/10 SG-Melb

Post long due! Not feeling particularly inspired, so here's just a summary of what I've been up to.

As always, the awesome brother. Now that the three sisters are married, we only have each other. Sob. Just joking. We are still one big happy family. Actually, bigger. And another family member is coming soon (aka baby)...

Christmas with some Wesley YM girls at Wanli's house where we stuffed ourselves full.

And some of us had a sleepover. We got to pick out of Wanli's MANY Pooh nighties.

We're going to the zoo oo oo, how about you you you! Went with Yasmeen, Mornique and Voon from OCF Clayton, then bumped into some OCF WA people. Didn't check out the kids section tho!

Baked at Patty's house. While waiting for the cake to rise we watched Boys Before Flowers and, oh no, I borrowed the DVD home and it took away a few days of my life haha :P Also, met the famous Tubz.

Non-Singaporean visitors! Like Sue Ann and Ian (I was a bad host ha ha, soli).

I've been working at Cairnhill Methodist Church for the past 5 weeks and it's been a really good ride.

Only one week left to go, and I must say that makes me sad! I have grown to love this church - at least the youth ministry which I have been a part of (I've only attended half an adult service -_- ). People have been so warm, and that is \m/

My prayer throughout my time here has been that God would give me a heart for this church, because I don't want to just be a pair of hands; whatever I do, I want to do wholeheartedly - with heart. No heart = meaningless + not effective. Whereas when there's heart in it, you love it and you give it your all. And God has graciously answered my prayer, with much favour (:

I must admit it's hard to juggle this, and dreaming and seeking God for OCF stuff for the year ahead, plus I still don't know what I'm going to do for my honours thesis. But hrms it's okay - I'm also learning to be disciplined in my intentional time with God. It's harder here in Singapore than in Melbourne - just so many more things (some, distractions) here. God has always shown His grace to be enough and I believe He will continue to do so, so long as Matthew 6:33 is applied - take care of God's things, and He'll take care of your things.

Two and a half more weeks before I head back to Melbourne. Time really flies. As much as it is going to be a tad sad to leave Singapore (once again, but thank God not forever), I know He has plans for me in my final year in Melbourne. Help me be a good servant and steward, Lord! There is so much more ahead, and I shall not miss out on any part of it!

Your name and renown are the desire of my heart (Isaiah 26:8).

Keep my heart in purity
That I may walk in all You have for me

–Arms Open Wide, Hillsong


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