Family and oh how He loves us

Happee dee birthdee leedle boy.
Yea Saturday Night Fever! Agogo in your afrogro! \m/


I've got new specs!
Partly cos the paint off my old specs were peeling off.
And I wanted a change.
And since I've always had metal > plastic > metal > plastic > metal specs,
it's now time for plastic.

I think they were kinda like an impulse buy $_$

Sometimes I look at it and I like it,
and at other times I look at it and I :( WHY DID I BUY IT?

They keep slipping down my nose :(

It's okay. For the first time in my life I have two pairs of wearable specs at the same time.


I've got another nephew!
Chin Ee's kid is Matthew Tay Tze Ern.
Chin Siew's kid is Samuel Koh Ren Jie.


Now I know why people like Lynette talk so much about their nephews/nieces :P

I still think it's so surreal for a new human being to enter the earth!
Then you look - so small, become so big. Eh.

Another thing about God to marvel about :D


The other day, my dad asked me how to download Korean dramas.
WAHAHA! That was really funny. I told all my siblings.
It's this show they're showing at 7pm on Channel U now :D


Just sent xxxxx emails.
Took a break with the guitar and this blog.
Now going to send another xxxx emails.

Before that, I watched Ariel The Mermaid :D


Maybe the next time I blog, I will be in Melbourne.

Ohmychickpeas! Those three months went by pretty quickly!

You know what that means?
It means I enjoyed my three months here in Singapore very much (except the heat and humidity).

Felt like my most productive "holiday" ever.
"Holiday" as in, school holiday, but not really a holiday for me cos I'm partly working.
That's good.
It means time was well-spent (mostly), and I enjoyed what I was doing.

Now, what does that mean?

One thing I found out is that I'm quite alright with kids.
I used to think I wasn't good with kids at all, maybe cos I've always been with youths.
But the few times in ACS (Junior) when I had contact with the primary 4 - 6 boys,
mannn, that was \m/

Okay God, so what now?



I'm listening to How He Loves Us by John Mark MacMillan, as led by Jesus Culture. At the end, the worship leader Kim Walker starts speaking and upon hearing the first line, I just had to type it out and share it.

It's so powerful; it's a presence I want to see, I want to sense, I want to feel; in my life, in OCF Clayton, in OCF Australia. Jesus.

His presence, His love, is so thick, so tangible in this room tonight. And there are some of you here that have not encountered the love of God. And tonight, God, who wants to encounter you and wants you to feel His love, His amazing love. Without it, these are just songs, these are just words, these are just instruments. Without the love of God, we're just up here making noise. But the love of God changes us, and we're never the same after we encounter the love of God.

And right now if you haven't encountered the love of God - and you would know - because you wouldn't be the same; you'd never be the same again. And if you want to encounter the love of God right now, you'd better just brace yourself because He's about to just blow this place, and we're about to encounter the love of God, right now.

So God, I speak to all the hearts and I ask God that every heart be open right now, every spirit be opened up to You, God. A love encounter from you tonight.

How could we ever try to live without Him, without His love?

Oh how He loves us
Oh how He loves us
Oh how He loves us
Oh how He loves us so

To be passionately in love with You, Jesus.

You know why this blog is called burningpassion? It's something along the lines of me wanting to have a burning passion for God. And somewhere along the way I thought I'd change the blog name because honestly, I think the name burningpassion is kinda cheesy in a way. But after some contemplation, I figured I'd keep this name. So I wouldn't be ashamed. So I wouldn't be ashamed that I want to have a passion that burns so the world will see and know.


Your name and renown are the desire of my heart. –Isaiah 26:8

Give me faith to see, Lord.
To see it in my mind before I see it with my eyes.
To see with eyes of faith.


Now how did a random blog post become all serious (:


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