Who are You and who am I?

There are times when I'm just so thankful for God, I'm so full of joy and bursting; feels overwhelming. But when I am most awed, I go - WHO ARE YOU? Like, as if I can't imagine how anyone would do anything like this and so I'm like - whoa. Who are you?!

Not the happy-happy sort, but more like a whoa-reverent-awe sort.

And sometimes I think - WHO AM I? Who am I to receive all this?
Who-are-you to give to the who-am-I?

Sometimes, a Point of Grace song comes to mind -

Who am I that You would love me so gently
Who am I that You would recognise my name
Lord who am I that You would speak to me so softly
Conversations with the One most high
Who am I?


I think I am happy because I am content.
Indeed, God is most glorified in me when I am most satisfied in Him (John Piper).


Prioritising doesn't become so hard
when you realise that saying no to one thing means saying yes to another.
And hey, it's for the greater good.

Got to keep things in perspective.

What's got to be number one on my list?


Don't always live your life in a backlog. That's what happens when you procrastinate.
Live in today. Do what you ought to do.


I'm watching Just For Laughs on teevee and man, gotta admit that it's majorly funneee :D


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