Blackout on the train

There was a blackout on the train yesterday!
Well, the blackout happened not to the train, but to me. Har harrr.

Basically I was on my way to church alone.
At Orchard station my vision suddenly started to go and I felt nausea.
Next thing I remember was thinking - I can't close my legs.

Turned out - I was sitting on the floor in quite a "chor lor" position.
The guy beside me was asking if I was okay;
a lady offered her seat which I didn't take because I was getting off soon.

The guy helped me off, and my brother who was nearby came to get me.
I was perspiring profusely; my shirt was all wet.
The guy said I just suddenly fell and started shivering.

After that, I rested at YWCA for awhile before taking a taxi home to rest.

Pretty scary and I'm feeling kinda weak now.
But an interesting experience I guess.

Thank God it only happened near my stop, and my brother was nearby.

You know, I used to think -
how come so many people have experienced fainting and nose bleed -
I never have!

But well, now I have.


The end.


I hope you don't ever experience a blackout! It feels real terribbblllleeee.
So this Chinese Lunar New Year, I wish you good health! Haha :)


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