My heart reads // Willingness

I've got to admit I haven't been reading my Bible very regularly. Still, God has been very good, constantly speaking and revealing through His Word.

These days, I find that I read somewhat differently. As I read, I seem to recognise the tone and emotions of the situation more than before. Beyond just reading objectively and looking at things metaphorically and whatnot, I seem to understand more of the... the EQ part of it? It's like I actually feel the text. Haha. Like I feel something... almost in my heart?

It's pretty cool actually - exciting :D Exciting when God stirs you in some way ayes? Exciting when new things happen and are learnt or given!

Part of it probably has been contributed by Ian and a church leader saying that while reading a text, it is important to understand the then-culture and situation in order to comprehend it better. The other big part of it is the Holy Spirit's work as He teaches me.


Today, I read Matthew 8.
A man with leprosy asks, "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean".
And Jesus did say, "I am willing" and healed the man immediately.

Jesus is willing (and able) to heal. He is very, very willing.
He really does want to heal.

But how about us?
Are we willing to be healed?

Please note I'm not addressing the topic of who gets healed or not and why that is so (only God knows why). The point of this post is our want and willingness.


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