
Showing posts from May, 2011


Since I got my second hand iPhone from Ian and downloaded the Bible into it, I've taken to reading from it in the train to work every other day. Today, I read Matthew 15 which tells of how with seven loaves and a few small fish, Jesus fed four thousand. Often, we see the story of the loaves and fishes as multiplication – of how when we give God little, He can make it many. Today as I read it, very simply, what I noticed was the very fact that God provides . When we give thanks to God for what He has already given us, no matter what the amount is, it will be enough. If we are content with our lot, believing it is enough, it will be enough. I'm learning to never say His grace will be enough. Because His grace already is enough. All of You is more than enough for All of me for every thirst and Every need, You satisfy me With Your love And all I have in You Is more than enough -Chris Tomlin

I am no longer an apathetic youth!

Indeed! Honestly, I never knew politics and a General Election could get me so... so... like... I feel so much for it. Social media has probably helped a lot because I see all these news and comments and it's more fun that I have friends expressing their opinions, and not just the mass media which is barely fulfilling its purposed function as a fourth estate ayes. My Dad's favourite thing to do in the past week or so has been to turn on the computer once he gets home from work and start watching rally videos and reading people's comments about the GE. I find it quite funny actually - that my Dad is discovering the power of social media :P I actually genuinely feel sad for Mr Chiam See Tong (SPP) who has had a hold on the Potong Pasir ward for the past 27 years, till now. SPP lost Potong Pasir by just 0.36%, to the PAP. Angry Singaporeans are petitioning for a revote . This was apparently his "office" where he would meet the people of Potong Pasir - a ...

Bubble moments

Oh my. When you work, time really just passes by so very quickly! But anyway. I wanted to share about bubble moments. For times when I need something therapeutic - perhaps when I am a bit down, listless or emo-ish (not a fan of that word), I blow bubbles. It's not so much that they make me happy, but more that they are sort of something calming-ish? They accompany me in my "moment" and bring some sort of tranquility. God really does have a way with things, doesn't He? Even things like bubbles :) - There isn't any bubble solution at home. But that's okay. I've realised that another therepautic thing for me is watercoluring. I don't watercolour like the pro Miss Hand Made Love does, (please don't judge my amateur watercolouring skills, plus, these are incomplete! :x) but I just do a bit or it every month-ish or so. It's good for me, I thinks. And the friends I give them to. Accompanied with some words of course :)...