I am no longer an apathetic youth!
Honestly, I never knew politics and a General Election could get me so... so... like... I feel so much for it.
Social media has probably helped a lot because I see all these news and comments and it's more fun that I have friends expressing their opinions, and not just the mass media which is barely fulfilling its purposed function as a fourth estate ayes.
My Dad's favourite thing to do in the past week or so has been to turn on the computer once he gets home from work and start watching rally videos and reading people's comments about the GE. I find it quite funny actually - that my Dad is discovering the power of social media :P

I actually genuinely feel sad for Mr Chiam See Tong (SPP) who has had a hold on the Potong Pasir ward for the past 27 years, till now. SPP lost Potong Pasir by just 0.36%, to the PAP. Angry Singaporeans are petitioning for a revote.
This was apparently his "office" where he would meet the people of Potong Pasir - a table at a void deck.

A friend was telling me how Mr Chiam sends a welcome letter to every new resident of Potong Pasir. And how Mr Low Thia Kiang (WP, Hougang) would attend every wake in his neighbourhood. Wow.
I admire these men, and the late Mr Jeyaratnam, for being so brave and for persevering. They have endured and fought for their people, their passion. For that, they have received... actually, I'm not sure. Some people love them in return, but some people love their upgrading more. So uh, ideals/values or materials? *go figure*.
Check out this post by a resident of Potong Pasir. She writes about what it's like to live in Potong Pasir - proudly, My Kind of Town - and the loss she feels at it now having to be led by someone who looks like an "evil insurance man" :P
People speak of Mr Chiam so endearingly :)
Also check out Nicole Seah's post-election letter - it echoes the thoughts of many of us, I believe.
Honestly, if the PAP doesn't wise up in the next 5 years by learning to really serve its people, I think they're going to be in deep trouble at the next elections. Already this year, 40% voted for opposition parties – a great rise from previous elections. As the opposition parties often quipped in their speeches the past week, "Do not fear!"
Looks like Singaporeans got a little bolder this year.

I actually really like the WP's slogan - Towards A First World Parliament. Gotta say kudos to them for being united and focused - they drove the message in really well.
I love the unity shown by the opposition parties. Unity is such a powerful thing. When the party is united, it helps the viewers/outsiders have more belief in your team, its vision, and what it can accomplish, together.
The PAP was a bit... er. Like how after the results were announced, Goh Chok Tong said Tin Pei Ling probably caused the votes for PAP in their area to lessen. I'm like - gross! The election is over, the results are out; Tin Pei Ling has had her share of bullets to dodge - cut her some slack. It could also possibly reflect some insecurity - Don't look at me! Don't look at me! It's Tin Pei Ling! I swear, it's Tin Pei Ling! - poor girl; still having to get fired (kinda) by her fellow team mate trying to justify his team's not that-spectacular 6.65% lead over the NSP.

On the contrary, I love the fairness and big-heartedness of a "may the best man win" attitude as seen in PAP's George Yeo who simply posted "Thanks for all the support n encouragement" on his Facebook wall. Thumbs up to you, sir! And yes I agree with WP's Sylvia Lim and NSP's Nicole Seah - go run for President next! And lols I just found a Facebook page supporting just that! Here's a funny comment on the page:

Haha. I like the light that person sees in the situation :)
By the way, I'm not against the PAP. I'm not for or against any particular party, in a way. There are, for sure, good and not-so-good people in all parties, and we must acknowledge that while there are members of eg, PAP, who genuinely are seeking good for their countrymen, cannot always do so due to restraints - but they surely are trying so let's give them credit for that alright.
I guess we need a bit of both for some balance aye. I'm up for a parliament which is enables expression of alternate views so it's more balanced. Then again, it's up to you to define "good" - heart, hands, skill, money? All? Huh?
Sorry... I need some sleep. Not thinking straight.
Before we end, we must not forget that amidst our talk and thoughts, we need to know what God says about all this.
Whatever the result and however we think, we as Christians must remember we are under GOD's rule. As incomprehensible to our finite minds it may be, God's word is an authoritative, infallible Word which I fully believe.
"Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities,
for there is no authority except that which God has established.
The authorities that exist have been established by God."
–Romans 13:1
Can we take comfort in that?
I can't quite explain how that is supposed to be "true" especially in countries like... those with seriously dud politicians (ha ha) but. Somehow, someway, God still said that. That He is in control.
While I can't take comfort in the fact of how I think some things in the world are unfair and the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and whatnot, I can take comfort and have solid trust in the fact that God is GOD – in absolute control.
Sometimes I think I'm going to type a really short post - like, a short thought. But somehow I roll on and on and it becomes a post like... this one here.
Have a dozen more sub-notes to add but uh... okay nevermind.
Honestly, I never knew politics and a General Election could get me so... so... like... I feel so much for it.
Social media has probably helped a lot because I see all these news and comments and it's more fun that I have friends expressing their opinions, and not just the mass media which is barely fulfilling its purposed function as a fourth estate ayes.
My Dad's favourite thing to do in the past week or so has been to turn on the computer once he gets home from work and start watching rally videos and reading people's comments about the GE. I find it quite funny actually - that my Dad is discovering the power of social media :P

I actually genuinely feel sad for Mr Chiam See Tong (SPP) who has had a hold on the Potong Pasir ward for the past 27 years, till now. SPP lost Potong Pasir by just 0.36%, to the PAP. Angry Singaporeans are petitioning for a revote.
This was apparently his "office" where he would meet the people of Potong Pasir - a table at a void deck.

A friend was telling me how Mr Chiam sends a welcome letter to every new resident of Potong Pasir. And how Mr Low Thia Kiang (WP, Hougang) would attend every wake in his neighbourhood. Wow.
I admire these men, and the late Mr Jeyaratnam, for being so brave and for persevering. They have endured and fought for their people, their passion. For that, they have received... actually, I'm not sure. Some people love them in return, but some people love their upgrading more. So uh, ideals/values or materials? *go figure*.
Check out this post by a resident of Potong Pasir. She writes about what it's like to live in Potong Pasir - proudly, My Kind of Town - and the loss she feels at it now having to be led by someone who looks like an "evil insurance man" :P
People speak of Mr Chiam so endearingly :)
Also check out Nicole Seah's post-election letter - it echoes the thoughts of many of us, I believe.
Honestly, if the PAP doesn't wise up in the next 5 years by learning to really serve its people, I think they're going to be in deep trouble at the next elections. Already this year, 40% voted for opposition parties – a great rise from previous elections. As the opposition parties often quipped in their speeches the past week, "Do not fear!"
Looks like Singaporeans got a little bolder this year.

I actually really like the WP's slogan - Towards A First World Parliament. Gotta say kudos to them for being united and focused - they drove the message in really well.
I love the unity shown by the opposition parties. Unity is such a powerful thing. When the party is united, it helps the viewers/outsiders have more belief in your team, its vision, and what it can accomplish, together.
The PAP was a bit... er. Like how after the results were announced, Goh Chok Tong said Tin Pei Ling probably caused the votes for PAP in their area to lessen. I'm like - gross! The election is over, the results are out; Tin Pei Ling has had her share of bullets to dodge - cut her some slack. It could also possibly reflect some insecurity - Don't look at me! Don't look at me! It's Tin Pei Ling! I swear, it's Tin Pei Ling! - poor girl; still having to get fired (kinda) by her fellow team mate trying to justify his team's not that-spectacular 6.65% lead over the NSP.

On the contrary, I love the fairness and big-heartedness of a "may the best man win" attitude as seen in PAP's George Yeo who simply posted "Thanks for all the support n encouragement" on his Facebook wall. Thumbs up to you, sir! And yes I agree with WP's Sylvia Lim and NSP's Nicole Seah - go run for President next! And lols I just found a Facebook page supporting just that! Here's a funny comment on the page:

Haha. I like the light that person sees in the situation :)
By the way, I'm not against the PAP. I'm not for or against any particular party, in a way. There are, for sure, good and not-so-good people in all parties, and we must acknowledge that while there are members of eg, PAP, who genuinely are seeking good for their countrymen, cannot always do so due to restraints - but they surely are trying so let's give them credit for that alright.
I guess we need a bit of both for some balance aye. I'm up for a parliament which is enables expression of alternate views so it's more balanced. Then again, it's up to you to define "good" - heart, hands, skill, money? All? Huh?
Sorry... I need some sleep. Not thinking straight.
Before we end, we must not forget that amidst our talk and thoughts, we need to know what God says about all this.
Whatever the result and however we think, we as Christians must remember we are under GOD's rule. As incomprehensible to our finite minds it may be, God's word is an authoritative, infallible Word which I fully believe.
"Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities,
for there is no authority except that which God has established.
The authorities that exist have been established by God."
–Romans 13:1
Can we take comfort in that?
I can't quite explain how that is supposed to be "true" especially in countries like... those with seriously dud politicians (ha ha) but. Somehow, someway, God still said that. That He is in control.
While I can't take comfort in the fact of how I think some things in the world are unfair and the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and whatnot, I can take comfort and have solid trust in the fact that God is GOD – in absolute control.
Sometimes I think I'm going to type a really short post - like, a short thought. But somehow I roll on and on and it becomes a post like... this one here.
Have a dozen more sub-notes to add but uh... okay nevermind.