
Showing posts from August, 2011

The Safety of Light

I like the light. With light, you can see everything; nothing can be hidden. That's what makes Singapore so safe. I want my life to be "safe" too. No place to hide - in darkness. But living in a flooding light. Let Your light shine, in me. Lord, Let Your light shine in me. Let there be no hidden places, no secret spaces, but complete comfort and intimacy – You and me. No shame, no condemnation, no embarassment. But just a pure, flooding, dazzling light. That leaves me in awe, in awe of You. In awe of You. - Thoughts while walking home at 11.45pm in the bright Singapore night, some days ago.

Stories, Lessons and Warm Fuzzy Feelings

It's a tad harder to quantify efforts when it's more qualitative in nature. But it isn't impossible. At Halogen, we've been "collecting" stories of the impact we've made through filming, and it's been encouraging hearing from people of various walks of life.  Some things I've learnt: You just gotta love hospitable moms. At the first house we went to today, we were given nut cake for breakfast, and foccacia for lunch. At the second house, it was cranberry cake. Maaaan, all homemade and very very yums. Don't know if I'll ever reach that level of cooking skill :P At this age, I shouldn't be calling people "Uncle/Aunty" anymore – at least not in the work context! It's not about not giving respect, but perhaps, it's about being professional. And... remembering that I'm not actually a kid anymore :P It's really such a joy to work with people who are so willing. On Thursday after training at a secondary sc...

Divin' in

Reading a part in Oliphint and May’s “Things That Cannot Be Shaken”, about how God used messengers such as angels, prophets and people like Moses in the past. To not rely on and trust them was sinful because it showed lack of trust in God Himself. It wasn’t just all “honour” though, “As appointed by God to serve him, they were also meant to be trusted with the tasks God had given them.” It gave thought to how scary it can be. To put all our hope and faith in God. Are we even 100% sure that He is God? That there is heaven, which we will go to when we leave Earth? They say, “Faith spells R-I-S-K.” True? But once we decide to jump in, we can’t quite jump out of the rushing waters again, can we? For me, I’ve decided - I’m in. Even in the midst of my questions and doubts, I’m in. There’s no getting out anymore. It’s like when Esther in the Bible said, before she met the king (judgement) said, “If I perish, I perish.” And I say that to – I’ve committed to this, I’m committed...

Jing Jing You Wei!

Yupppppps. That's what I drew on the white board in my brother's room. He posted it up. So I shall too. hur.