Stories, Lessons and Warm Fuzzy Feelings

It's a tad harder to quantify efforts when it's more qualitative in nature. But it isn't impossible.

At Halogen, we've been "collecting" stories of the impact we've made through filming, and it's been encouraging hearing from people of various walks of life. 

Some things I've learnt:

  • You just gotta love hospitable moms. At the first house we went to today, we were given nut cake for breakfast, and foccacia for lunch. At the second house, it was cranberry cake. Maaaan, all homemade and very very yums. Don't know if I'll ever reach that level of cooking skill :P

  • At this age, I shouldn't be calling people "Uncle/Aunty" anymore – at least not in the work context! It's not about not giving respect, but perhaps, it's about being professional. And... remembering that I'm not actually a kid anymore :P

  • It's really such a joy to work with people who are so willing. On Thursday after training at a secondary school I've been at for the past 4 weeks, I explained to some youth that at Halogen, we believe that leadership education should be for everybody. In order for that to happen, our programmes have to cost less so more schools and students can afford to provide it school-wide. That's why we need donations. And that's why we needed them to share their stories of how Halogen has impacted them. And they readily said, okay!

Talking about impact...

At the end of most classes, we hand out a feedback form to find out what the youth have learnt and how we ourselves can do better. The ones that touch me most are the surprising ones that mention things beyond the curriculum.

It says, "The teacher is respectful to those who doesn't respect her at all". (Probably referring to those who choose to sleep or disrupt the class.)

It's not about boasting. But it shows that the work we do matters; and more importantly, the example that we set also can make a change. That's when I get the "warm fuzzy feeling". Haha :)

Yay for building young leaders who will practically change the world in the issues they believe in! That's Halogen's mission – which I am sowing into and living out. Because that is the way I am practically changing the world in the little way I can, with what I have (been given) – empowering young people to be all they can be.


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