Four Brains and I Digress

I need to learn to not just regurgitate, but to think. So my thoughts go through, well, not so much 4 stomachs like cows, but more thought-processes. That things are critically thought of and not just... bleah-ed out! To know that I should have an opinion, and that my opinion matters.

On a side note, while trying to find funny pictures of cows, I found a pretty bookshelf instead. Might make a pretty unique feature in a house with plain walls. Like, instead of some painting, put a few of those instead. Though if your books were of different colours it might end up messy. Hm.

And while I digress, Blogger has gone prettier too. Aww, so proud of your change, blogger. You have progessed. Haha.

Yups still chewin' on my thoughts.

Which makes me think of Singapore's very own Chew on it. 

Ohhhh, nevermind!



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