Inbuilt Standards

What was the purpose of the ten commandments given to Moses? Was it to set a standard of good and bad for man?


Years back, why did Moses flee Egypt?

Because he killed a man. And he was afraid of the consequences- punishment.

You see, even before the ten commandments were carved on those two tablets, man already knew what was good and bad. Moses knew murder meant punishment, even without having the commandments to inform him.

This shows we do have "inbuilt standards" in us. Or a "conscience" as some call it.

It's like how when asked if a man who murdered or stole should go to heaven or not, most people will say he should go to hell because what he did was just plain wrong and caused others harm.

Back to the ten commandments. Maybe the ten commandments were given not so much to inform us of guidelines for living as we already kinda knew, but for God to show us more of Himself- God as a jealous, loving God- not like the Israelites' tyrants who previously murdered and "stole" from them.

Who is this God, really? What standards do we live by- what determines what is right and wrong?

Thoughts from the phone convo with Ian. Who is very patient with helping me think critically about the bible and what I believe in :)


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