Complete Devotion

Am reading My Utmost For His Highest which says we can only be devoted to Jesus by the Holy Spirit. Because the Holy Spirit fills us with God's love. To love God.

"...For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love" (Romans 5:5 NLT)

Oswald Chambers (author of MUFHH) says we should not be devoted to a set of rules or doctrine- that's hard- but we should be devoted to Christ. He calls us to Himself.

Hm. It's true- it is easier to focus on a person, than on a set of rules. At least it is true for me. And at least, to focus on a person who is unchanging.

Am I truly devoted to Jesus Christ? Or do I have others before Him?

And, I need the Holy Spirit to love God with all I am.


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