Recipe for Chocolate Ripple dessert

Hello! We've got new neighbours across the street and have been wanting to say hi, but Ian says we should go with something in hand – like a baked cake for example. But I don't quite bake so, hm.

Yesterday we were visiting a church life group and had to bring a dish, so I made some Chocolate Ripple, and since I was at it, I made some for the new neighbour as well. 

Considering that I can make this by myself and from memory too, it means this is a super simple recipe. I learnt it from Ivie a few years back. Arnott's has their version which is in cake form and non-crushed biscuits, but I prefer Ivie's version.

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C H O C O L A T E  R I P P L E

^ Ingredients ^

Arnott's Chocolate Ripple biscuits (250g packet)
Thickened cream (300g)
Caster sugar (1 tsp)
Vanilla essence (1 tsp)

Caster sugar is just finer than regular sugar and hence easier to mix

^ How to make ^ 

Pound the biscuits as fine as you would like it.

I like it to be a mix of fine, plus some bigger bits for crunch. My suggestion is to not make it all fine, or it'll be like you're eating powder. (Hey idea – use milo powder for the base! :P)

^ Even it out on a tray. ^
Leave aside a little bit to sprinkle on top later. 

^ Combine the cream, sugar and vanilla essence. Whip till thick. ^
Taste it; add more sugar and vanilla essence if necessary.

Apparently it's easier to whip when cold, 
so you can leave the bowl and whisk in the freezer for awhile beforehand. 
Or if you are more well-equipped than me, you can use an electronic whisker.

^ Lay the mix above the biscuit layer, 
and sprinkle more crushed biscuits on top. ^

The ones behind have lighter coloured biscuits because I forgot to set aside some biscuits, so I replaced it with chocolate chip cookies I found at home. These three sets were made with 500g of biscuits and 600ml of cream.


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