Recipe for Corn Fritters

I'm home alone today and will be having lunch and dinner by myself (woke up too late for breakfast), I decided to finish off some ingredients in the fridge before they go bad. So on the menu for lunch and dinner today, are corn fritters and bacon! 

The stuff I share isn't always exactly unique. There are tons of corn fritter recipes out there. But well, I share so family can see what I'm up to now that I'm away, and I'm disciplining myself to write, think, and maybe take good pictures as well. Yep.

But anyway, the point is: Corn fritters! Maybe the point of what's shown here is: If I can do it, you can too! Like, if Yan can cook, so can you

^ Remember this guy? ^

Good catchphrase man. I still remember it today. My mom used to watch that. But I'm not as good as Yan. So really, being the kind of cook I am who gets put off by seeing long recipes and so only chooses to do simple things most of the time – if I can do it, you can too.

• • • 

C O R N  F R I T T E R S

^ Ingredients for 6–8 corn fritters ^
Eggs (2)
Milk (1 cup)*
Self-raising flour (1 cup)
Corn kernels, drained (420g) 
Salt and black pepper (a sprinkle)

*I didn't have milk at home so I used light coconut milk and a bit of water.

Optional ingredients
Chives or spring onions
Mixed herbs (a sprinkle)
Mozeralla cheese (1 cup)

Things you can pair corn fritters with
Bacon, in this case. Bacon makes almost anything good
Avacado, mixed with some lemon juice and pepper

^ What to do: Mix them up (not the bacon and avocado accompaniments)! ^

I put quite a lot of chives because I was trying to finish what was in my fridge. Plus I didn't have any other greens, so this was attempting to make it healthier.

^ All mixed up. Already looks yummy. I like creamy stuff. ^

^ If you're having bacon with it, fry the bacon first so it oils the pan. ^

I cut the bacon into bits first so I wouldn't have to cut them when eating. I also cut off quite a lot of fat because... yes fat may be nice, but looking at my exercise schedule (or lack of), I don't think I can burn them fast enough, so, the fats wouldn't be worth it.

^ Enjoy the scenery while you wait for it to cook. ^

That's the view outside my house, through the window with an insect screen thingie. I'm glad we're a little on top of the hill so there's more of a view!

^ Put bacon on paper towels to drain some oil off. Health is wealth! ^

^ Time for the corn fritters! Pan fry them. ^

If you didn't fry bacon before this, add some butter to "butter up" the pan.
Keep the heat at medium so you won't burn the surfaces.

Fun fact: Do you know why flames are blue, and orange and red and yellow? Ben Ames did a great video to explain it to kids – equally entertaining to me.

^ It's quite quick. After about 2 minutes, flip it over. ^

I like to add a bit of butter to the pan before I flip it 
so the other side doesn't get too dry.

^ And it's done! ^

You can vary your ingredients and portions. The first time I did it, there was more flour than corn, so it turned out more fluid-y and I couldn't get a good round-ish shape, but it tasted fine, and a bit like pancake-corn fritters. This time, I added lots more corn and spring onions, so I guess the "hard ingredients" helped to hold the fritter together. 

I also wasn't sure how coconut milk would taste with this, but I think because there were so many other ingredients, the coconut taste wasn't too strong, and it was actually still nice!

^ Corn fritters go well with a full brunch! ^ 

Eggs, mushrooms, bacon, tomatoes, cheese kransky... oh yum. That was Ian's and my lunch last Sunday. Paired with the juice and coffee we had, we figured we spent about $12, versus the $50 it would have cost at a cafe.

• • • 

Thank you Chris for the Canon EOS present used to shoot this. The 18-55mm lens made me extra excited! Because that meant shots with more depth-of-field and I'd feel more pro. Ha!

Yan's photo is from his website.


siew said…
Nice food. Nice photos, Nice scenery.
overfluo said…
Haha hello siew. Thanks for commenting :D See you soooon! Well, soon ish, I suppose.

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