Soup and grace

No idea what I just cooked. Just knew I was hungry, found things in the fridge, and made some soup. It doesn't taste good, but is still edible. I pretty much dumped in every Chinese condiment at home except oyster sauce.

Cooking like that is fine when it's just for me. When the husband is home though, that's a different thing.

I feel like eating Kway Chap. 


God has perfect timing. I took in the bins today and just as I was entering the house, it started to drizzle. 

Some time back it was raining on and off the whole morning, but I really had to walk to the supermarket 15 minutes away to get groceries for a gathering that night. The whole way there and back, it didn't rain at all. It poured again only after I got home. 

Thankful for little nuggets of grace in my everyday.


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