
^ Glad Chrome has a sense of humour to put that dino there to amuse me a little. But why a dinosaur? Because its hands are too short to link arms with other dinos? So cannot connect? But anyway, it was cute. ^

Speaking of animals, I ran over a mouse yesterday! I was driving at night and the road was pretty empty and suddenly I saw a mouse run across the road in front of my car and it was too late to stop plus it would have been dangerous to stop in the middle of the road. So I heard "thud" (actually it was a double sound but I don't know how to describe it) and Ian said he heard a squeak and I just let out very loudly, "I JUST RAN OVER A MOUSE. I JUST NEED TO LET IT OUT. I JUST RAN OVER A MOUSE." Then it was a red light, so I could stop and go omg in my head and get over it.

Apparently I should stop when it's a wombat or kangaroo because my car would be the one to get flipped or damaged because those animals are that hardy.


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