
Flowers were never quite my thing. It was a – you spend so much then they die so um why? But when it was time to consider flowers for my wedding, my interest and liking for flowers grew (though in the end I just went with the "usual" roses). Spring has probably sparked something too, probably because they are such a refreshing sight after winter and a sign of good weather to come.

Two weeks back, Ian bought lilies for my birthday, enough to fill two vases, and the house has been smelling lovely since then. Sometimes I light a scented candle for the fragrance, but the fragrance this time is natural and quite full. Every time we enter the house, a whiff gets into our noses. They are waning now, but they've lasted quite awhile in decently cool weather. And they brighten up the house with their pop of colour. Mm mm.

^ Afternoon sunlight streaming in through the kitchen blinds. ^ 

After trimming the stem ends, some leaves wouldn't fit in the vase nicely. So I plucked them off and made a little green pot. #experiment #fun


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