Fun in the sun

The weather has been back to being cold the past few days. It's been raining all morning. 

It was after I moved here and experienced cold weather than I realised why some people like the sun so much. 

In Singapore when we saw people sitting out in our crazy sun in humid weather, we would say "siao ang moh!" As in, crazy caucasians, because it was usually caucasians who did that. Don't worry, it's nothing mean. It's like how if our friends wore just a t-shirt in zero degree weather, we'd say they are crazy or siao. And "ang moh" means "red haired" in Hokkien. Though yes not all caucasians are red haired, but y'know, it's just a generic term. 

So yep, we used to think people would be crazy to sit out in the sun because after all, Singaporeans get sun ALL the time. But now that I'm here in Melbourne, and three out of four seasons are colder than not, I get it. Because now I check the weather forecast rigourously. Now, I get happy when I don't have to wrap myself up in layers. Now, I actually rejoice when I know the sun will be out.

So ya, if I sit out in the sun next time, you can call me "siao char bor" – crazy girl. 

Anyway last week, glorious weather happened on Melbourne cup day – a public holiday! Whoopee! So we had a barbeque at our place with Ian's mates. Or Aussie Barbie. Like, Barbie-que.

^ Don't you like the name? It's the BEEFMASTER. ^

^ I discovered SOLO only after coming here. Is it an Aussie drink? ^

^ Very clear skies. No clouds to block those ultra-violent ultraviolet rays. ^

^ So the mats were laid out in our backyard. ^

^ And we had fun. Whoop whoop. And ya I'm too shy to take photos of people properly so I end up taking legs okay. Haha. ^


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