Of Birthdays
Birthdays: Celebrating people, reasons to have a nicer-than-usual dinner (ha ha), occasions to make loved ones feel special, and at times for some, time to panic that our age has gone a number up.
But really, we don't quite grow in "years". Rather, we grow daily, moment by moment. In that sense, age is more of: Day 1, day 2, day 3... day 31... day 365... day 9490. Or, XXXXX moments. Perhaps birthdays, other than times of celebrations, are times of reflection.
Last night we had a cosy dinner celebration at Guhng with D&D. It's a Korean charcoal BBQ restaurant – my favourite in Melbourne. It's in the Melbourne CBD, so it's easy to access if you're visiting Melbourne.
Here goes part of our super filling and yummy meal:
^ We got the Premium set and added Yuk-Hwei, which is light-seasoned beef sashimi, sliced raw tenderloin with egg yolk, pear, cucumber, sesame oil and gal-sal dressing, which was yums. Considering that I don't eat sashimi and like Guhng especially for that, I think that should count for something. ^
^ Charcoal BBQ ^

Then we headed to D&D's house for cake!
^ Apparently Dawn made that same cake (albeit smaller) for me years ago when we were still schooling and celebrating at New York New York in Singapore. Exact same mix and M&Ms to top it. Thanks D&D! We'll come back for a Root Beer Float next time. ^
^ Then, home with my favourite person in the world. ^
26 years on earth. What has been, and what next?
God, You have been faithful. Thank You.
Thank you for my main protectors and nurturers – my parents.
Thank you for my lifelong friends – my siblings.
Thank you for new family – Ian.
And more.
My life is the sum of you and you and you. Thank you for being a part!