Janice and David's wedding

I'm back in Singapore! Friends have been asking, "How was your trip?" And I tell them, "This is the trip!" Since Australia is now home, times in Singapore are now considered as holidays, rather than vice-versa.

I came back early for a dear friend's wedding. Janice was my primary and secondary school mate, and church cell group mate. Glad we've kept in touch through the years. Though we meet very seldom due to being in different countries, every meet up is full of story trading and super encouraging. 

^ Gatecrash: Bridesmaids prepping to "tekan" the groom and his brothers. We were quite kind – look at the decent food on the table! We held it at a fitness corner because it was visible from Janice's house and we wanted for her to be able to witness everything from her home.  ^

^ A baby's breath bouquet, a hymnal in the Wesley Methodist Church pew, and a lilac dress. I gotta say man – Wesley's aisle is long. Walking down, I was going oh gosh, endless rows of people. So, I guess I was a little nervous. ^

^ Colour Me Jesus cell group with the bride and groom! It's Janie's turn next week. Four CMJ weddings in 2014! What a season :) ^

First and third photo from Michelle's phone I think.


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