"The medium is the message", said Marshall McLuhan. I didn't always agree with that. But I think I understand it better now. Nowadays, many of us use multiple platforms – face-to-face, instagram, facebook, blogs, phone calls. While some spam every message on every medium, others choose what messages to place on which medium. The writing changes at times, because we write for our audience. Even if it is just an audience of one. Like my mom, for instance. When I message her, there are no "lols" and "btws", because it would probably take longer for her to process them. So I write proper, for her. I appreciate some doses of inspiration. But I admit, sometimes it gets tiring to keep seeing the same posts over and over again. Then it stops. And a month later, those posts pop up again when someone rediscovers them. (Still, good job with sharing the love, buzzfeed, huffingtonpost, viralnova and more.) We are not so much creators of content, as curato...