
One thing I learnt from the movie Frozen is that sometimes, it's the very thing we keep away from, that could heal us.

Queen Elsa has the power to turn things to snow, but it is a power she cannot control. After near-fatally accidentally hitting her sister Anna with ice, Elsa's parents keep her away from the world, including Anna. Elsa lives in solitude and sadness, telling herself to not feel, because that is what seems to trigger her powers.

It is only after a whole crazy situation of her majorly losing control, endangering her country, running deep into the woods to hide, and hitting her sister's heart with snow, that they discover the solution – that to control her powers, Elsa requires love – the very thing she was deprived of because she was kept away from people and discouraged from feeling.

The very thing that we keep away from, is what could heal us. 

The funny thing is, long ago when young Elsa and Anna were playing with snow before Anna was hit, Elsa made a beautiful snow playground and they had so much fun, joy and laughter – lots of good feelings. It was a time Elsa could control her power. It was only in one moment of panic that she let slip, hurting Anna. 

Building walls (physical or not) wasn't the solution. In a way, if her parents could see it, Elsa could control her power all along. It was when she was loved, was allowed to love, and not kept hidden. 

So, don't build walls. Throw in some love :) 

"People make bad choices if they're mad or scared or stressed, but throw a little love their way, and you'll bring out their best..." –Fixer Upper song by Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez


"Do you want to build a snowmannnnnn" is running in my head. So catchy, the song! But that's the only line I know, sooooo. 

Top image from Young Elsa and Anna image from


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